If you’re looking for an Iran hotel booking service, you are at the right place. We help you book the hotel rooms you want in Iran. There’s a variety of accommodations to stay in during your visit to Iran that you can choose from among them. They are ordinary hotels categorized based on a star system, Tourists’ Inns (similar to hotels, but not within star system), and traditional houses and monuments. You can choose any of them that you like and we book them for you. Currently, we can only book your hotel rooms for you if you take at least a one-week tour with us.
How Iran Hotel Booking Services Work for You
Actually, to help us secure the rooms you have selected, you will be required to provide the information we need by filling out our form above. Then, upon receiving your inquiry, we’ll look into your case as soon as possible and check the availability of the rooms at the dates specified. If the hotel rooms are available, we’ll inform you of the price. Then, once you approve the hotel reservation, we send you the bill and you’ll pay the amount. The hotel voucher, then, will be issued and submitted to you.
We have contracts with a large number of hotels and tourist accommodations that you may want to stay in. This gives us the advantage of providing competitive rates for our clients. If you’re traveling to Iran ordering one of our packages, we’ll book your chosen hotels for you by our operation staff before you arrive in Iran. If you want to plan your own trip and only use our hotel booking service in Iran, we can do that for you as well.
Iran Hotel Booking Made Possible
Destination Iran has worked out solutions to receive your payments for the hotel rooms you want to book in Iran. Hotel booking for foreigners isn’t an easy task in Iran because of several reasons including:
- Iran is under international sanctions. Therefore, international banks cannot operate in Iran and Iranian banks cannot pay money to other banks outside Iran and cannot receive money from them. Therefore, it’s not possible to perform any international transactions in an international scale via Iranian banks.
- Most of Iranian hotels do not have bank accounts capable of performing the required international transactions for them. Iranian banks aren’t able to do this for them and hoteliers don’t have the bank accounts outside Iran. International sanctions are again another main reason why this cannot be carried out.
- The attitude of most of the hotels in Iran hasn’t accepted the realities of the virtual world either. As of today, September of 2013, there are still several hotels in Iran that only believe in the possibility of transaction via fax machine, telephone or walk-in customer methods for selling their rooms.
Tour operators and website owners have tried for years to integrate the hotels into a system where real-time information is available to international inquirers and hotel room availability gets updated instantly or even automatically. It’s beginning to bear fruits. We’ve been able to define a system inside such environment to reduce the hassle of Iran hotel booking and make it possible for you to book your ideal rooms in traditional or ordinary hotels of you choice.
Book Your Hotel Rooms in Traditional Houses/Monuments

With the agreement of the Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization, some of the old houses, caravansaries, fortresses, etc have been restored in form of accommodation for travelers. This supervision by expert authorities are for making sure that:
- those monuments and culturally valuable structures retain their charm and status as national heritage sights, and
- the accommodation creates the same feeling of the traditional lifestyle for those who stay overnight in such buildings.
There’s a network of such buildings in different parts of Iran. Some of them couldn’t change the structure dramatically to match the wishes of comfort-seeking clients. Therefore, those who are the fans of intact ordinary traditional lifestyle, love to pick up such places. On the other extreme, there are some of the other structures catered to the requirements of more sophisticated clients, who prefer to have their own bathroom, air-condition, etc.
Ina nutshell, when you intend to go for Iran hotel booking among the traditional houses/monuments, there’s something for everyone. You can choose what you want and we will do our best to get you the ideal accommodation you’d like to have.
Need Consultation?
No worries! We’re here for you. If you would like to stay in a particular type of accommodation and you’re not sure which hotel, traditional accommodation suites your desire, you can send us an email and ask for what you’re exactly looking for. Then, we will help you find what you’re looking for.
What’s important for us is to make sure you will enjoy your trip to Iran using the right and desirable accommodation you have in mind.
Important Points to Remember:
- Once you receive the availability notification and the price, make up your mind and let us know if you want the rooms. Then, proceed to payment and provide us with the proof of payment so that we can secure the rooms for you. This has to be done in the shortest time possible. Otherwise, hotels cannot guarantee to keep the rooms for you.
- You are not supposed to rely on the availability of the hotel rooms for a long time. We cannot guarantee the accommodation is secured for you if you prolong the process of decision making. As hotels don’t provide such certainty, consequently we are not able to do so either.
- Iranian hotel reservation staff work from Sat to Wed on 9 am to 3 pm schedule. On Thu, they are accessible from 9 am to 12 at noon. As Fri is the weekend and employees of these departments are not at work, we’ll have to postpone the booking of your hotel rooms across Iran to the first working day after the weekend.
- There are several national holidays in Iran when hotel reservation employees don’t go to work. Therefore, we will have to wait util the first working day comes after that. In such days, we will inform you of the situation on the ground so that you adjust your expectation with how things work here in Iran.
In short, Iran hotel booking isn’t an easy task from outside Iran. We can help you with it as explained here. Please don’t hesitate to email us with your booking service inquiries.