Destination Iran introduces its guest posting guidelines so that you know what to include in and exclude from your content. Then, your post will be much more likely to be noticed by our audience and search engines. The tips we have included in this post will help you with your tourism marketing in various ways.
The guidelines we will state here are in various categories. Please read on:
Guidelines for a Guest Post’s Structure
An easy-to-read content is one that one can quickly scan by his/her eyes. You must have seen some web pages with huge chunks of content reminding you of encyclopedias’ pages. In a word, those pages don’t follow the proper structure for their content.
Destination Iran gets you acquainted with its ideal guest posting guidelines regarding structure as follows:
- Insert an attention-grabbing image at the top,
- Add a “table of content” (your headings) after the image (or we will do it for you),
- Start with a summary or introduction of what you are going to write,
- Divide your content into textual sections under headings,
- Make sure the sections under headings aren’t more than 300 words,
- End with a heading that provides a takeaway, conclusion, or a call-to-action,
- Write your post title, keyword, and meta description at the end in a separate section.
Guidelines for a Guest Post’s Content
It is important to know what tone and styles to follow when you write for different media. People like certain authors or websites as they enjoy reading particular styles. Also, there are some common rules that prevail on the web and we prefer them too.
Here you can find our guest posting guidelines regarding content as follows:
- Check our blog to see if we have covered your topic earlier,
- Provide useful information for travelers,
- Send us your original post, not previously published ones,
- Use an informative tone, not promotional,
- Use casual, not formal tone while keeping away from buzzwords and jargons,
- Write a post of 1000-3000 words,
- Keep sentences as short as max 20 words,
- Keep paragraphs as short as max 4 sentences,
- Include a 60-word (max) bio of yours or your business at the end,
- Write about who you are, what you do, and/or what you’re passionate about in your bio.
Our Guest Post’s Guidelines for Links
Authors and marketers seek guest posting opportunities to obtain backlinks to their websites, webpages, or those of their clients. So, this is very important for you and your tourism marketing. We’re quite aware of that. In fact, we’re concerned about the pages you link to and the content you introduce to our readers.
Destination Iran’s guest posting guidelines intend to make sure you insert suitable links in your posts. Because of what was mentioned above, we introduce out guidelines for your content’s links as follows:
- Point your links to the pages with the same language you are writing,
- Link to different pages of your online business,
- Use your keywords in the anchor text,
- Try to include one or two links to other websites to make it more natural,
- Make sure your content, linked words, and the target web pages are all relevant.
Guidelines for Guest Post’s Images & Videos
When it comes to images, they should follow particular features so that your goal can be achieved and your audience can be informed visually. Also, from technical viewpoints, some optimization is required. Here are some helpful hints for your content images:
- Include relevant images adding information to your content,
- Observe copyright while choosing the images and mention sources for your images,
- Make sure your image is high quality and at least 800 pixels wide,
- Insert images in your desired textual content, preferably just below headings,
- Submit images separately as well,
- Make sure images are of common formats like jpg, png, etc,
- Provide keyword-rich alt text, file name, and caption.
Regarding video insertion in your posts, please follow the guest posting guidelines below:
- Provide working embed code of your video,
- Make sure the video is helpful to further understand your purpose,
- Include title, caption, and preferably description for your videos,
- Make sure your video is high quality and at least 800 pixels wide.
Guidelines for Guest Post’s SEO Title & Meta Description
The good news is Destination Iran never publishes a post without optimizing it first. Two major areas where optimization occurs are title and meta description. Please follow the guest posting guidelines for this area of your content as below:
- Craft a compelling title for your post,
- Make sure your title promises what you definitely deliver in your content,
- Submit your content’s keyword-rich SEO title together with your content,
- Write a 160-word keyword-rich description explaining what’s in it,
- Make sure your description of the post urges your audience to read your content.
Final Words
Lots of the guest posting guidelines introduced above are for your content to be better liked by our audience, and search engines. In tourism marketing, readers need practicable tips and useful information. This is the final word.
We hope your guest posts could get all the benefits potentially available at your disposal on Destination Iran.
You invite you to submit travel guest posts to us and reap the benefits!
You may find a complete guide of guest blogging on backlinko website!