As a responsible traveler, you should always take precautionary measures for fire prevention in nature. Iran is prone to fire at the beginning of summer due to spring rains and abundant grasslands in the mountains and pastures. The beautiful green spring meadows become potentially ready to catch fire as the summer season begins. Given this potential risk, it is essential to keep the following points in mind when traveling:
Measures for Fire Prevention in Nature
As a responsible traveler, you should be aware of a series of measures to prevent fire in nature and apply them so as not to cause any catastrophe in the environment. Some of them are:
Tip 1:
One of the most successful travel preparatory measures is to always have a fire extinguisher or capsule with you for fire prevention in nature. The materials used in these capsules or sprays are far more efficient for extinguishing fires than the earth, sand, and water. Recently, certain capsules have been introduced in small sizes that can be easily placed in the dashboard of your car. It is quite necessary and useful to have such capsules for the safety of your own car.

Tip 2:
To extinguish a fire in nature, burying the fire with earth or sand is better than sprinkling. If soil or sand was not available, or your fire is already turned to ashes, you can use water as well. This will prevent the fire from re-igniting there. Never leave the fire unattended after use. Keep in mind that your fireplace should be at a safe distance from flammable materials.

Tip 3:
A responsible traveler never opens the car window during the trip to throw out the garbage, let alone the cigarette butts and matches used. You must know that if you do not put out the cigarette butt and leave it in nature, it will take some time for it to go out on its own. A cigarette butt thrown out of a car window quickly travels to the side of the road and possibly to dry grass or flammable materials, which means creating danger. It is recommendable to have a small metal box or pocket ashtray box with you so that after you finish smoking your cigarette, turn it off inside this box and close the lid.

Tip 4:
Try not to set fire in nature as much as you can, especially among dry grassland, near pastures, and flammable materials such as dry wood, paper, fabric, … If your purpose of lighting up fire is to cook or warm up food or water, you can use small travel stoves in safe places that you have already provided. If you have an urgent need to light a fire, use special stands or surfaces without vegetation. Also, make sure you enclose the fire area around with stone for the sake of fire prevention in nature. To prevent fire in nature, a responsible traveler should always consider and use safety measures before lighting a fire.

Tip 5:
A responsible traveler does not carry extra fuel in the car as much as possible. If necessary, precautions should be taken to ensure that the flammable material is not in the vicinity of a flame, spark, direct sunlight, or incendiary matter. Sometimes high-temperature trunks, highly shaky adjacent parts, can cause the extra fuel to burst into fire. In addition, the use of special metal containers is much safer than plastic containers.

Tip 6:
Never leave glasses, mugs, cups, bottles in nature as it can cause a fire burning in the environment by itself. In warm weather and hot days with the sun shining, such objects function like a magnifier getting sunlight focused on grassland, or flammable objects and set them on fire.

Fire Prevention in Nature with Responsible Behavior

An informed traveler should consider considerations such as causing minimal damage and, if possible, any damage to the tourist destinations on his or her travel route. While you should enjoy your trip, the people in the host community should also be happy with your presence in your area, town, or village and consider your presence fruitful, not harmful and dangerous. Fire prevention in nature must be one such concern for you.
Unfortunately, in recent years, due to environmental reasons, Iran’s nature has been repeatedly exposed to widespread intentional and unintentional fires at the beginning of the summer season. Some negligence out of ignorance, some deliberate actions, and some environmental reasons have been the main causes of these disasters. It is up to us to consciously manage our travels and prevent fires in nature so that we can better preserve the nature of Iran, this precious vital asset, and witness sustainable tourism in all parts of this country.

Destination Iran invites you to take those effective tips seriously and travel responsibly. It’s better to make sure you are prepared for fire prevention in nature.