Fennel; Medicinal Herbs in Iran

Fresh fennel plant
A look at the healing properties of fennel
Fresh fennel plant
A look at the healing properties of fennel

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a perennial winter plant from the celery and Apiaceae (carrot) family. It is very similar to Badianeh (Persian word for anise or aniseed) but has a milder flavor in comparison. This plant has a white bulb with long, hollow stems similar to celery and has a sweet flavor like licorice. Different components of this herb include seeds, leaves, and roots, and consuming fennel seeds is more popular according to traditional medicine.

Fennel is one of the traditional medicinal Iran herbs. It is native to southwest Asia and southern Europe, especially the Mediterranean region. Over time and after the recognition of its numerous medicinal properties, its cultivation spread to different countries, including Iran.

Fennel has a hot and dry temperament; Therefore, traditional Iranian medicine recommends it as an anti-Balgham (phlegm) and anti-Safra (yellow bile) remedy. Iranian traditional medicine sources warn that pregnant women consuming this herb may face premature birth or abortion.

Fennel Medicinal Properties

What are the medicinal properties of fennel?
The use of fennel in traditional Iranian medicine and treatment of diseases

Fennel contains a number of vitamins including vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6 and vitamin A. In addition, this herb contains various minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, iron, copper and selenium.

This medicinal herb is known as a phytoestrogenic plant, a special herb for women that increases the secretion of estrogen and progesterone. Its consumption also has many benefits for men, but only in moderate and low doses. The increase of female hormones caused by consuming high doses of fennel seeds may cause immunity issues in men.

In the following, we mention some of the application and benefits of this plant:

Fennel Improves Bone Health and Increases Bone Density

The abundance of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in this plant plays an important role in increasing bone density.

Skin Care Benefits

The vitamin C content in fennel (12 mg/100 grams) helps keep your skin young due to the two benefits of Vitamin C for skin care. The two properties of vitamin C are:

  • Antioxidant effect
  • Facilitating collagen synthesis

Fennel Can Prevent Cancer

The organic compound Anethole found in fennel essential oil has proven effective in cancer treatment. This essential oil prevents the growth of breast cancer cells. In addition, the rare presence of selenium in fennel can reduce the mortality rate in cancer patients.

Relieves Constipation

In traditional Iranian medicine, constipation is known as the mother of diseases and is one of the most common conditions in patients suffering from various other diseases. Fennel is rich in fibers, and has a miraculous effect in relieving constipation.

Natural Booster for Immune System

The free radical molecules in the human body can lead to diseases such as cancer by damaging cells. Vitamin C in fennel neutralizes these free radicals, and is considered a natural booster for the body’s immune system.

Treatment of Anovulation or Lazy Ovary Syndrome

For this traditional treatment, prepare a cup of fennel infusion and let it cool down, and wash your genitals with the infusion. Also, you can drink fennel tea with honey every night after dinner to boost ovarian function.

It is recommended to consume fennel tea no more than once per day. It is not recommended to consume this tea during menstruation.

Increases Ovulation Rate in Women

Since this plant boosts the secretion of female hormones, it is recommended by traditional medicine as a remedy to increase the ovulation rate in women.

Fennel, A Traditional Remedy for Infertility Treatment

Ovarian cysts are one of the main causes of infertility in women. This medicinal herb is rather effective in treating infertility since it helps in expelling ovarian cysts. For this purpose, it is better to use distilled fennel extract.

Counteract Menopause Symptoms

Hot flashes are one of the symptoms of menopause that many women face as early signs of menopause. Consuming fennel tea can reduce this symptom and other difficulties caused by menopause.

Traditional Breath Freshener Remedy

Breath freshener and gum cleaner; Among the properties of fennel
Fennel is an antibacterial agent that kills the bacteria on the tongue causing bad breath

This medicinal plant eliminates the bacteria on the tongue and gums that cause bad breath. Its antibacterial property makes it a great breath freshener. Just chew a few fennel seeds like chewing gum.

Other properties of fennel are:

  • Prevention of osteoporosis
  • Eliminating flatulence and gas
  • Improves menstruation cycle
  • Reduce menstrual pain
  • Treatment of bladder infections
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Relieving asthma and dyspnea (shortness of breath)
  • Estrogen and Progesterone agent
  • Arthritis pain relief
  • Strengthening hair and preventing hair loss
  • Treatment of common ovarian infections
  • Increased lactation for breastfeeding mothers

Fennel, A Traditional Medicinal Herb in Iran

Iran has different climates, and different regions where special medicinal plants grow in the wild. Traditional Iranian medicine recommends various medicinal herbs for the treatment of a number of diseases. If you travel to different parts of Iran, you can see and buy all kinds of traditional Iranian medicinal herbs.

Destination Iran aims to introduce different aspects of food tourism in Iran, and we recommend that you get to know the medicinal herbs of each region during your travels. On your travels to different parts of Iran, you can ask the locals about indigenous medicinal herbs and how to benefit from them, and understand the differences.

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