Destination Iran Website; Developments

Destination Iran Homepage

This post is the announcement of Destination Iran Website developments. Web design styles come and go on the web, but certain websites have realized they can stick to some particular style that stays there for quite a long time, if not forever! Google, Facebook, Yahoo are just some examples.

Also, devices like smartphones and tablets are more popular than ever. We must take into account this growing part of our audience. The previous design of our website was mobile friendly too, but the new one is responsive and easy to read on all devices.

Blue & Orange are my favorite colors. They’re the colors of sunset in Iran. When you look at the strong blue fading into the horizon’s orange, you can see the beauty of it. I love these colors. It reminds me of my numerous journeys inside Iran. Looking at Destination Iran website on a daily basis helps me feel I’m not nostalgic. Yet, I love to hit the road again!

Destination Iran Website Development for Better User Experience

At the present version of Destination Iran website, images are seen more. We’ve put together Cities’ Pages, Photo Galleries and Hotels’ Pages in one page under a specific City. There are separate features of:

  • Introduction
  •  Photo Gallery
  •  Places to Visit
  •  Hotels
  •  Map
  •  Weather

And they are more detailed for your convenience.

You can read the travel tips about your upcoming visit to Iran more conveniently at Iran Travel Advice page!

Destination Iran Travel Tips & Advice

Destination Iran Introduces Embassies Consulates

If you’re looking for the Iranian embassies and Consulates at your countries, we already have the list, but now, you don’t have to go down the DEEP list to find it. We’ve put them in a tabbed box so that you can choose your continent and then, country in a more convenient way here:

Another Feature added to Destination Iran website is the addition of three major topics to our main menu: Attractions | Tourism | Culture.

Footer Isn’t The End!

When you reach the end of each page after scanning pages with your eyes, watching images or hopefully reading pages, we’d like to remind you of certain points or invite you to learn about the latest Tweets at our Twitter account. You can find them all at the footer of most of the pages:

Destination Iran Website Footer Section

Inquiry Form Got Even Better!

It’s optimized for mobiles & tablets. The general look and feel lets you work around it more clearly:

Destination Iran Tour Inquiry

The Show Must Go on!

Although we love Destination Iran’s logo and we’ve been using it since 2002, we’d rather to change it to a different one. It’s coming soon and you will see it.

Please let us know what else is missing or improves your surfing experience on Destination Iran website. I will seriously take it into consideration.

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